Megan Jones printed a cyanotype self-portrait from a selfie that utilized an Instagram filter by Lauren Cason (Daydream, 2020). Lauren then created a new filter from Megan’s self-portrait, and I added interactive sound that happens only when the face is captured (with sonic accents when the viewer makes an animated expression). The cyanotype and standalone selfie filter station with camera were first shown at the 2021 Currents New Media Festival; you can download the filter on Instagram at @les_stuck
Regarding claims both the cultural relevance of a selfie and the artistic legitimacy of a self-portrait. A viewer can regard the self-portrait here, and then become the portrait subject, using the Regarding filter. The treatment, location, audience, and frame are provided by the refiltering of self-portrait cyanotype print. Both embellished photographs exist in an immense photography universe - but only some may have a lasting impression.